Principal's Message

Greetings Shingwàkons PS Families,

Welcome to the new Shingwàkons Public School/ Bienvenue au Shingwàkons Public School. 

The new Shingwàkons PS is being established in the New Fernbank Development of Stittsville. It will be a K-6 Elementary School (opening K-5, Sept. 2022).  The school is located on the unceded and unsurrendered land of the Algonquin people and we thank them for allowing us to learn, grow and play upon their land. As we establish this new school community we are working hard to make it a true community school that brings people together working towards common goals. It is the hope that our students become lifelong learners and responsible global citizens. 

A  little about myself. As an educator for over 22 years I have always been inspired by students, staff and community. I have learned and continue to learn from them each and everyday. My daughter, aged 15 and my son aged 12 keeps me active and busy. My partner Jessica keeps us organized and sane. They too are excited for this new learning adventure here in the Fernbank community and it is a privilege to be a part of your lives!

At Shingwàkons PS, we will strive to create an innovative and positive learning environment by being responsive to individual student needs and interests.  Our vibrant school will be a special place to learn and grow and it is hoped that it will be viewed as a hub in the community.  With a strong focus on social emotional learning and student well-being combined with innovative instruction around literacy and numeracy, teachers will  deliver the best programs possible for our students to achieve. Parent involvement that supports student well-being and achievement is key and will be fostered through strong community relationships based on common goals and mutual respect. 

As a principal, I see that we all have an opportunity to create something spectacular as we embark on the journey of starting a new school. Students must have a voice and we are here to listen. I believe that when children feel safe and have a sense of belonging at school they will achieve more. We are guiding the humans of tomorrow. We need them to be good people. 

As we navigate and establish this new Public School, we will strive for excellence and work collaboratively with our families for all of our students’ learning needs. As we move forward, we will work together to continue to advocate for our students planning for rich and creative learning opportunities, focus on socio-emotional well-being in an inclusive and equitable environment that aligns with the OCDSB exit outcomes and character traits.  Your support is greatly appreciated.  Thank you for entrusting your children to us.   


Todd Thompson - Proud Principal

Shingwàkons Public School 

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